
Big Baby News

Life Update:

It has been a while! But for very exciting reasons. Last year, the majority of our time and energy was focussed on one thing. After a pretty disappointing and difficult end to 2021, January 2022 brought us the news we had been (not so patiently) waiting for!

Pregnancy Announcement

We are having a baby!! Yes that’s right, Hannah and I are expecting our first baby this October. Excited does not even begin to describe how we feel, although to be honest I’m still not sure it has really sunk in. Hannah is doing the heavy lifting (quite literally) and is more than halfway through the second trimester at 23 weeks. Baby is growing perfectly and making their presence known by regularly dancing on mummy Hannah’s bladder as inconvenient as that may be while she is away filming.

After a few back to back negatives, when we found out Hannah was pregnant we couldn’t quite believe it, we really weren’t expecting to see that second line on the test. Ironically, I ended up getting to tell Hannah she was pregnant, I had only picked up the test to cover it with something while we waited the usual 3 minutes. Glancing down there was really no mistaking that second line that had already developed less than 30 seconds in. I genuinely screamed at poor Hannah who was beyond shocked. Several tests and weeks later we still didn’t really believe but seeing that little heartbeat at our 7 week scan in the fertility clinic (coincidentally on Valentine’s Day) confirmed what we already knew and that this baby was growing on track. Since then, baby has aced their 12 and 20 week scans, as their mums stare in awe at the screens seeing them grow and look more and more like a little human.

Hannah has been amazing! The first trimester nausea hit her as expected but was never too too bad, apart from during tooth brushing time and just as she moved into the second trimester. Baby was like “haha you thought you were safe”. Oat milk has become a no go, but hummus is a new fave (she used to hate it).

Since the midwife told us baby could hear sounds, we have been reading to them every night. When Hannah is on location we even FaceTime for it, it’s a routine I look forward to continuing when baby arrives.

We have decided not to find out if we are having a boy or girl – as a same sex couple we have had few opportunities for surprises during this process. And neither of us have any inkling either. Friends and family are fairly split on their guesses too!

Autumn has always been my favourite season, and this one is going to be even more special. I can’t wait for adding our little one to our current traditions and making new ones as a family of three. It’s exciting, it’s nerve wracking, it still doesn’t quite feel real, but while we may not be physically ready (there’s still plenty of time for that right?!) we are looking forward to what this new step brings.

Wishing you all a lovely summer whatever it brings to you!

Daryl x